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How Mathematics is Taught

Mathematics is taught through three specific lessons a week. However, due to the nature of the children and the diversity of the classes there are a range of lesson structures, for each of the three lessons, throughout the school.


Pre-formal Classes

In our pre-formal classes, maths is mainly taught through continuous provision, Attention Autism sessions and each child's own Individual Support Plan (ISP) target. This allows for the children to access maths through a fun, exploratory and engaging way. It also gives children the chance to become intrigued in their maths learning, wanting to take part and develop their skills further. Through their focused ISP target the children work on the skills most important for their development. Throughout the children's maths lessons there will be a focus on their social skills which are important for our children e.g. independence or taking turns. 


Semi-formal Classes

In our semi-formal classes, maths is mainly taught through ISP's and small group practical learning. In these class children are starting to make an adjustment to follow more of a lesson structure, however, they may be very short bursts of teaching and learning and smaller groups, with practical and engaging tasks. Throughout the maths lessons there will still also be a focus on social skills, as above, however instead of turn taking it might be a focus on sharing a mathematical game, building on both sets of skills.


Formal Classes

Our pre-communicative classes are taught maths through a more formal lesson structure. These lessons will start with a whole group input and then the children will split into their smaller maths groups to continue in greater depth with their learning. Although these classes have a similar structure, due to the needs of the children, the structure will not be exactly the same in all formal classes. We have a very child centred approach and every class adapts to their individual children. The formal classes also have specified ISP time where one of their ISP lessons will focus on an ISP target. 






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