Long Term Plan
Explorers 1 and 2
The White Rose Early Years Curriculum has been adapted to fit the needs of our children. To ensure the children have enough time to gain a secure knowledge in early number the curriculum has been split over two years. Each unit naturally progresses through early number, starting with matching and sorting and finally ending with the children having a secure knowledge to 20. Alongside number, each unit also has a Measure, Shape and Spatial Thinking focus, to make sure the children have access to explore all areas of the Mathematical curriculum.
Pathfinders and Adventurers
Once finishing the Explorers timetable children then move onto the KS1 and KS2 long term plan. Each unit has been placed specifically to support prior learning and have been adapted from the White Rose Maths curriculum. The children begin with the fundermental number knowledge for place value. They then move to time to make sure their learning can be built on throughout the year, using sequencing and time daily. Time is also specifically taught three times throughout the year, giving teachers time to build on their daily learning, making sure each child reaches their full potential in using an important independent life skill. Each operation (+, -, x, /) is taught at the start of the half term to ensure the children have maximum concentration. After each operation there is a unit on money so the children can learn to transfer and apply the skills they have learnt into real life situations. Shape is taught prior to fractions so children have a good understanding of whole shapes before splitting them into parts. Mass and Capacity is taught at the end of Autumn 1 as there are lots of practical and real life opportunites for the children to apply these skills, at this time of year. Similarly, position and direction has been placed at the end of the Spring term as there are lots of opportunites to apply these skills in a fun and meaningful way (e.g. easter egg hunts).