Financial Information

Schools Financial Benchmarking

Below is the link to  Hayfield  School's dedicated page on the DfE's Schools Financial Benchmarking service:


Comparing Hayfield With Other similar Special School Provision

Click here to see how  Hayfield School  compares with other schools with  similar characteristics to us (e.g. number of pupils, expenditure, Free School Meals). 

What you will see on the benchmark pages: This comparison displays schools that are similar in terms of phase, size and number of pupils eligible for Free School Meals (FSM). These schools are achieving good pupil progress with similar or lower levels of per pupil expenditure.

From 1st January 2021, the DfE requires all schools to publish the following information, which should be updated annually:      

Number of individuals (if any) earning over £100,000, in £10k bandings: 0 01/01/2021

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