Meet Hayfield Schools Governors

Mr Comber
"I have worked at Hayfield School since 2009 and for the last 5 years have been the headteacher. I have spent the majority of my teaching career working and supporting children with a variety of Special Education Needs.
Hayfield has always been a very special place, and it is a privilege to be the headteacher of such an incredible school. Hopefully together with the children, their parents, staff and our governing body we can continue to build a school in which our pupils are happy, feel welcomed and safe and have the opportunity to flourish and thrive."
Chair Of Governors

Mr Weise
"I was appointed chair of governors at Hayfield in 2015 and I am enjoying the role tremendously. I have been a school governor for over 22 years, both in primary and secondary schools as well as serving on Wirral parental appeals, Wirral schools funding group and Wirral governors’ forum. I have an interest in the quality of education that is available for all children, the work/life balance for staff and the role schools have in the community. I have been fortunate to be involved with outstanding schools, teachers and governors and use that past experience to help me to provide support and appropriate challenge in my role at Hayfield Primary School."
Vice Chair of Governors

Mrs Ebbs
I initially joined the board of governors as a parent governor when my son was a year 5 pupil at Hayfield. In my 11 years I have enjoyed supporting the school and delighted in its efforts to provide the best education possible for pupils with a range of special educational needs from across the Wirral. I am also the treasurer and active member of the school PTA, raising funds to provide those "little extras" to help enhance our children's educational opportunities. Away from school I enjoy gardening and family history research - both of which involve a bit of digging from time to time!
Clerk to Governors

Mr Saunders
The Clerking service for Hayfield Primary School is supplied by Second2None School Support and I have been the allocated clerk since February 2017. I have been a Governor for 12 years at another Wirral primary school and I am using this experience to support Hayfield Primary School. I enjoy working with The Governors at Hayfield Primary School and take pride in helping to ensure that their business is dealt with in an organised and professional manner. Outside of work I am married, have three children aged 20, 19 and 15 and enjoy cricket and football.
Local Authority Governor

Mr Mervyn
I was elected as parent governor in 2019 and am parent to a year 6 child at Hayfield Primary School. Since joining the school a little over three years ago I have seen Mason grow into a confident, hardworking you man and this is down the experiences he has received at Hayfield.
In my professional life I have been involved in education for a little over 15 years and am currently headteacher at Brackenwood Infant School.
Co-opted Governors

Mrs Drake
I have been associated with Hayfield School since 1985, as both a teacher and senior manager.
Although I am now retired, I was delighted to be asked to continue as a governor for this very special place. Visiting the children, and seeing the committed and specialist work that goes on is always a joy.
My particular interests are specialist needs, music and the arts, and language and communication.
When I am not in school, I am usually to be found somewhere in the countryside playing golf or riding my bike.

Mrs Jelly
I volunteered to be a Governor as I felt I wanted to contribute and be more involved with the school. I have a daughter who currently attends and is in year 4 and I wanted to give something back for all the support we have been given in that time.
I am married to Phil and I have an older daughter who is currently in 6th form. I am a Senior Staff Nurse at Arrowe Park Hospital on the Neonatal Unit. I qualified in 2002 as a Childrens Nurse and I am interested in how the NHS and other services are utilised within our setting and advocating for the children to have their needs met.
As well as being a Governor I am also a member of the PTFA and for the last 4yrs I have enjoyed raising money for school to be able to purchase anything additional that the children may need or enjoy.

Mrs Shutt
I was appointed as a co-opted governor in September 2016. I worked at Hayfield school for 32 years as a Teacher. I passionately care about the quality of education for all children. Hayfield is a great community that truly cares about the needs of all children and adults.

Mrs Rice
I am Hannah Rice, I was voted as Parent Governor in November 2020. I applied for the role of Parent Governor as I have experience of how Hayfield has benefitted my child. I feel that being part of the Governing Body will help me to make sure Hayfield continues to strive for good outcomes for all pupils.
Currently, I work as a Learning Mentor in a mainstream primary school. My role involves ensuring children enjoy school and are reaching their full potential. I am passionate about children’s mental health and believe this should be a focus within all schools. As Parent Governor I want to ensure mental health and well-being is a focus for all of our children, as well as for staff members and the wider school community.
I have a background in Safeguarding of children and am aware of the difficulties children and families can face on a daily basis. I hope to bring this knowledge and experience to support the Board of Governors.
In my free time I enjoy running around after my family, cleaning and falling asleep to Netflix. If I get the opportunity, I like to read and do crafts.
Staff Governors

Ms Marsh
I first joined Hayfield as a member of the Admin team in June 2004. Having been in the office for 12 years, I felt like I needed a change of direction. I love the school and the children and was delighted to be invited to apply for and subsequently obtain a post in the classroom at Hayfield. I have now been in the classes working as a TA for over 4 years and have obtained my level 3 qualification during that time.
I have been on the Governing body here as a staff representative and clerk to at various points throughout my 16+ years at the school and am currently a Staff Governor again. I enjoy being on the governing body as I am very passionate about the School, staff and pupils and helping the leadership balance the best interest of all our stakeholders. I feel we have a very strong governing body and it is something I am proud to be a part of.

Mrs Tordoff
I have worked at Hayfield since 2016, I came as a supply teacher and never left (because I love it here so much). I have been a teacher since 2008, and prior to that I was a Youth Worker and a Learning Mentor which is probably why I am a firm believer that schools should be a place that children enjoy, feel safe , thrive not just academically but as a whole person and encourages them to become lifelong learners. I was a governor at my children’s school for a few years and have been a governor at Hayfield since 2017.
In my spare time I enjoy gardening, reading, crafts and time spent with family, friends and my dog.
Associate Governors

Mrs Light
I have been a governor for the last 2 years since my appointment as Assistant Headteacher and I am a co-opted, non voting member. After graduating with a BEd Honours degree in Primary Education and Severe Learning Difficulties I have spent over 25 years working in special schools in London and on the Wirral. I started working at Hayfield School 22 years ago and have worked in every key stage, initially as a class teacher, senior teacher and now as assistant headteacher. I have a great interest in autism, complex learning difficulties and challenging behaviour. Hayfield School is a great community to work in and it continues to offer me new challenges and rewards

Ms Wilson
I have worked at Hayfield for over 20 years and have been in the teaching profession primarily in Special but did spend some time working in a mainstream setting. During this time I have been a Governor in excess of 15 years - initially as Teacher Governor and now as an Associate. I am passionate about Teaching and Learning, and enjoy the challenge of making learning accessible for all our children. Developing ideas and finding innovative ways to help children learn is extremely important at Hayfield. Another passion of mine is Technology; and again I welcome the opportunity of using it to enable the children to access new concepts.
Interests out of school are many and varied. I love to learn new things. I relax by Running and walking my Dogs.